Friday, November 4, 2011

Seven and 10 months

Brooklyn turned seven on the 30th of October and Spencer turned ten months on the 31st. These are my two babies that look the most alike. They both are easy going and content. When Spencer was born Brooklyn was in love with her new baby brother. She would hold him for hours and fall asleep next to him. They have a special relationship.
Brooklyn had a friend Birthday/Halloween party on Saturday and I think I counted 16 kids under the age of ten in our house. It went great! We had pizza, played games, ate cupcakes decorated with gummy spiders, and played Red Rover in our backyard.  I didn't have a working camera for the party so I didn't get any pictures. If you know me at all, you know that I was freaking out just a little.  My mom even went to WalMart and bought a twenty dollar camera just for the party and the dumb thing wouldn't work. My friend Becky borrowed me her camera and I was able to get a few pictures of Brooklyn the next day when we sang to her with our own little family.
                                                    Happy Birthday Brooklyn!

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