Friday, November 4, 2011


So Halloween was fun and frustrating at the same time. I love Halloween, but this year I lost my battery charger to my camera in the process of moving to our new house, and so I had a hard time getting pictures of Brooklyn's birthday and the kids in their Halloween costumes. Luckily I have great friends who either offered me a camera to borrow or offered to take pictures of my kids for me.  I'll post about Brooklyn's birthday a little later. Here are some cute pictures from Halloween. I don't have any pictures of Tyson and Spencer who dressed up as Dr. Evil and MiniMe. They looked so cute and funny! I was a witch, Kennedy was a devil, Brooklyn was Cleopatra, and Isabelle was a kitty.  Friday was the trunk or treat at church, Saturday was Brooklyn's birthday party, Sunday was Brooklyn's birthday and our first Sunday in our new ward, and Monday was Halloween. I went to the girl's school and Isabelle got to be in the costume parade with Brooklyn's first grade class. Everybody thought she was so cute! Halloween night we were invited to a party, we stayed for an hour then took the kids trick or treating with their friends in our new neighborhood. Lots of fun, but super cold. The kids ended up looking awesome and they had a great Halloween, and I am just glad it's November! :-)

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