Wednesday, August 31, 2011


August 28, 2002 at 11:22pm I became a mom. 
 Kennedy Lyn Phipps was born after 8 1/2 hours of labor.  She had squishy, chubby cheeks and a head full of black hair.  She was the prettiest newborn I had ever seen. They plopped her on my tummy and I remember Tyson saying "She looks just like you!"  I was on such an emotional high that I couldn't sleep for three days. I tried.  When we brought her home I gave her a binki and she loved it immediately! (Turns out she would be four before giving that thing up.)  She was the perfect baby. I loved dressing her up in adorable little outfits and her bottles and blankets always matched her clothes.  She was never fussy.  Kennedy had just turned two when Brooklyn was born, she realized then that she had to share the spotlight and was not too happy about it.
 She loves her sisters and her baby brother today.  She is a little prankster and loves to play jokes on people.  For example, she has a key chain that makes stinker noises, a rubber dog poo, and she likes to turn the lights out on her sister when she's showering.  She is a people person. She loves to be the center of attention and is definitely not shy.  She will go places in this world because fear will not hold her back.  She is sweet and sentimental. She loves to wear dresses and be girly but also loves to play in the mud and hold bugs.  In a few days, she'll be in fourth grade. She's already begging to shave her legs and wear a training bra! (she has nothing to "train", thank goodness!)
We love you Kennedy! Happy Birthday!!

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