Sunday, August 21, 2011

Love Story

Tyson and I have been married for ten years today! So, I'm not one for mushiness, but I thought it would be fun to share our "love story."  I met Tyson in April of 2000 when he was serving a mission.  I was a senior in high school getting ready to graduate.  Tyson still had a year left on his mission. My family had stopped to visit with an Elder that we knew that had been transferred to Idaho Falls and Tyson just happened to be his companion.  I still remember my step brother Aaron saying about Tyson "your going to like this one"  He knew I was boy crazy.  So anyway, we talked for a little bit and Tyson asked me to write to him. I thought, why not, he's cute.  I did remember thinking he had the weirdest last name.  I didn't at the time know I would have to spell it every time I went anywhere, from picking up a prescription to signing kids up for school.  Anyway, we wrote for a year. I had a binder filled with his letters, poems, and pictures. Yes, Tyson used to write poems. ; )
 I graduated in the Spring of 2000 and got a job working at WalMart.  I hadn't decided which college I wanted to go to and was debating between Idaho State and Rick's. (It was still called Rick's at the time)  Well, Tyson decided to come home and go to Rick's College. That made my decision that much easier. I wasn't going to let him go fall in love with some husband- hunting-crazy girl that Rexburg is full of. So I signed up too. So in the Spring of 2001 Tyson was released from his mission, came back to Idaho to go to school, and in August we were married.  I was 19 and he was 21!! 
 A year later Miss Kennedy was born, followed by Brooklyn two years later.  Isabelle joined our family in July of 2008 and eight months ago we were blessed with our first baby boy.  People ask us if we're done having kids...maybe one more...maybe...and not for at least 3 yrs! I have kept track in my journal all the places we've lived and have written down all of our addresses.  We have moved 12 times, lived in 6 cities, and 2 states.  We've had ups and downs with lives circumstances, but it's been a great ten years and we're always looking forward to the future.

Tyson sent me a picture of him as a missionary and I made it an 8x10!

Our engagement photo...

My favorite wedding picture
 Another one of my favorites..

Here's us today!

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