Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3 months

Our baby boy is three months old. Time has flown by! I know parents say that all the time, but I completely understand why. It seems like he just got here. He is such a happy baby. He wakes up smiling everyday, and only wakes up once in the night to eat, then he'll go right back to sleep. He weighed 13 lbs 12 oz the last time we took him in. His sisters are having so much fun with him. Isabelle has never acted jealous, she just adores him. It's nice to have such good helpers. He does have some hair, it's just hard to see it in pictures. He has just started wearing 3-6 months clothing. It sad to pack away the cute little things he's grown out of. But it's also a great excuse to go shopping! We are loving every minute with him!

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