Saturday, February 5, 2011

Valentine crafts!

Cookie making!

The finished product.

what's left...

Valentine heart wreaths

She must get this from her daddy..

Kennedy wanted to be different so she put a bow on hers instead of hanging it from a ribbon. I thought it might be cute to print pictures of them and make them into big picture frames...maybe later. haha

The Story Behind The Craftiness*
Tyson and I signed up to be helpers in both Kennedy and Brooklyn's classrooms. We were put in charge of both of the girls Valentines parties. We were supposed to do the Christmas party for Kennedy's class, but since I was so close to having a baby, I traded with the mom who was originally going to do Valentines. Tyson has to work all day that day, (big shocker, being in the diamond business..) So I guess I will enlist some help of a few other moms. I googled some fun ideas and decided to try one of them out today with the girls. I was even brave and let Isabelle play along. We usually wait till she naps to do crafty things. To say she is a stinker is an understatement. haha Anyway, these were a few pictures of the girls making sugar cookies and heart wreaths. Lots of fun!

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