Friday, January 7, 2011

Our baby boy...

Minutes old...

One day old...

5 days old..

His first smile..

6 days old..

On December 31, 2010, our baby boy was born at 2:26pm weighing just over 9lbs! After going over my due date by five days, myself, and a very sympathetic PA convinced the doctor to induce me Friday morning. Labor went fairly well and the epidural kicked in pretty quickly. I started to feel a lot of pressure about 2:00 pm and was ready to push. The problem was I was starting to feel my feet and legs again and knew that I didn't have a lot of time before my epidural completely wore off. He didn't come as quickly as my last two babies and let's just say I felt way more than I wanted to. But we made it and he is healthy and happy! He is the sweetest little spirit and has truly blessed our home. His sisters adore him and he is so nice to his mama. He sleeps really well at night and constantly wants to eat during the day, he's trying to keep those kissable chubby cheeks. He looks so much like Brooklyn as a newborn, it will be fun to watch him grow and change. We have already taken a million pictures, but here is just a few of my favorites.


  1. Super cute! I love it that you caught that sweet smile on camera. He is just adorable. Congrats again.

  2. Amber, he is so perfect! Your pics brought tears to my eyes..And made me want another little itty bitty! Congrats, he is soo HANDSOME!!

  3. He has the cutest little smile, and I can not wait to kiss those cheaks!!! Hurry and visit Idaho Falls :)
