Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Long Night

So it's been 6 yrs since we've had a newborn and a two yr old at the same time. Last night was a reminder of what we got ourselves into. Or better yet, what I got "myself" into, as it seems Tyson can sleep through almost anything. I thought it would be fun to write about last night so I can laugh about it later. To sum it up, Spencer pooped or peed through his jammies so many times last night that I lost count. And when I would change him he would cry because he doesn't like his clothes changed. He would also pee every time I took off his diaper and once before we went to bed he spit up all over his jammies and freshly washed blanket. At 3am, I was changing a very upset baby when Isabelle woke up and had peed through her jammies and was running a temp with a runny nose. She was woken up by Spencer and because she didn't feel good she started to cry just as loud. This went on for at least 5 minutes which felt like much more, and I kept thinking Tyson would hear them and wake up to help me. I had kicked him out of our bed a few hours earlier for snoring like a grizzly bear. When he didn't wake up to help I woke him up to feed his son. He wasn't thrilled. Ha! Then I proceeded to give Isabelle medicine and change her clothes when I heard Brooklyn from her room "Mommy, will you get me a drink of water?" REALLY?

"The first art of being a parent, consists of sleeping when the baby isn't looking"


  1. I am sorry! I just got past the same time not long ago. I finally have Sylas in his crib sleeping 9 hrs a night. Alexis wakes up a lot from thirst but helps herself to the fridge lol. I was lucky, Val is a lite sleeper and helps out without complaining. He is used to lack of sleep, thank you Marine Corp! Good luck!

  2. Wow, what a night. I hope last night was better for ya. Look at all the fun things I get to look forward to in a few months. yay. lol

  3. It's funny how fast you forget! So when James was a baby I couldn't figure out why he was waking up every 2 hours soaking wet. Finally a friend (who already had boys) let me in on the secret- make sure he's pointing down not up :) Well, he sure is a cutie- hopefully it won't be too long before we see you guys.
