Monday, November 29, 2010


This picture is from when we had some of Tyson's side of the family stay with us for Kennedy's baptism. Brooklyn "reading" a book to Hazel, her cousin. Brooklyn getting ready for church..
Kennedy holding our kitties when they were first born..

This picture scares me a little!

Belle loves the kittens even though it looks like she has this one in a choke hold.

Just cute.

Cutest little 3rd grader!

And the cutest little Kindergartener

Daddy and his girls

How sweet is this?

Silly Brooklyn

Love this!

I often find Kennedy reading her books in her bed. Such a nice change from her TV obsession.

Brooklyn was the photographer

Making home made play dough...

Yes we can afford clothes. She just prefers to wear pillowcases.

Having Isabelle clean the marker off the door.

She didn't want me taking her picture.

I try my best to never take my kids to the store. It sounds crazy, but after having 3 kids we decided to work around everyone's schedule so we didn't have to deal with nagging, crying, tattle-telling, begging, etc, etc. Well in this case it was an emergency (I needed my thyroid pills) and this is a moment in time when they were being good in WalMart.
Just cute..again

And again :-)

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