Monday, November 29, 2010

Before and After.

This is our playroom.
It doesn't take them long to trash it. I hate messes. They literally give me anxiety attacks. Yet here I sit about to have our 4th child. All I want to prove with these pictures is that sometimes, sometimes, the playroom is clean and organized.
Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world, and so sadly it looks like this most of the time. I have to tell myself when I get overwhelmed that I would rather have a messy playroom- where you can tell that children have had fun, then a perfect room with no sign of children. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I freak out and demand that they help me. Brooklyn is my little organizer and Kennedy thinks she's a princess. Stay tuned for pictures of when I turn part of this room into a nursery. That'll fix 'em! haha

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