When Tyson turned 30 I did a fun blog post listing 30 things people might not know about him. So I thought it would be fun to the same thing. I added random pictures of myself just for fun! 1. When I was in the third grade I sang "Fishin' in the dark" to my class.
2. I learned to play the guitar when I was eight. Everyone around me could play the piano, and I wanted to be different. I also wanted to grow up and be a country western singer/song writer.
3. When I was a kid "The Little Mermaid" was my favorite Disney movie.Which is ironic considering #8 on this list.
4. When I was 4 I spoke with a southern accent. I have no idea why.
5. When I was a kid I thought it would be awesome to grow up and live in a hotel. I still love hotels.
6. I could hot wire my dad's tractor when I was 10.
7. Chickens freak me out.
8. I'm scared of the ocean.
9. In 4th grade I was placed in an advanced class.
10. I hate seafood - except for breaded halibut with tatar sauce. (I tell myself it's chicken)
11. I've been to three countries outside the U.S.A
12. I was on the dance team all four years of high school
13. When I was 17 I flagged for my grandpa's spray plane. Coolest job ever.
14. I took flying lessons when I was 18.
15. As a teenager I was obsessed with Ricky Martin. I got to see him in concert in SLC when I was 17.
16. I never knew how much I loved Idaho until I had to live in a different state.
17. I love road trips!
18. I wanted my wedding reception to be anywhere but a church. I didn't want to be like "everybody else."
19. The funniest movie of all time is Dumb and Dumber.
20. I am hilarious
21. One of my favorite movies is The Time Traveler's Wife. (Eric Bana is hot)
22. I was on the Honor Roll for 8 years straight
23. You can dip anything in Ranch dressing
24. I am a miracle baby
25. I can't stand socks with sandals - don't do it! ; )
26. I would rather go to the dentist than speak in front of a large group of people.
27. If I could meet a celebrity, it would be Oprah or Jay Leno
28. My nickname with my extended family is Hangabunga. People still call me that.
29. Just because we finally got our boy does not mean we are done having kids.
30. I am NOT pregnant.
OH, and turning 30 is not as bad as it sounds!
I love you, but you are old, like Betty White. :-)- this is Tyson