Friday, November 11, 2011

She did it!

Brooklyn has had a loose tooth for some time now. Tyson and I were helping her work on it last night and it finally came out! Yea! There was a lot of blood for such a little tooth. We had her rinse her mouth out a few times and hold tissue to her mouth and it just kept bleeding. Well she was checking it out in the mirror right after I took her picture, and Tyson asked if he could see how bad it was bleeding. She slowly slumped down to her knees then feel over. He thought she was just being a stinker at first and didn't want him to look at it, then I noticed she had a dazed look in her eye, wasn't moving, and was bubbling at her mouth. I told Tyson "She's not playing, she fainted!" Wow, that was scary! When she fell she dropped her tooth and we couldn't find it till the next morning. We looked and looked, and she started to cry because she thought the Tooth Fairy wasn't going to come. She wrote her a note and went to bed. The next morning she woke up so excited! The Tooth Fairy wrote her a note back and left her a dollar! She decided she is never going to spend her dollar because it's too special and she put her note in my jewelry box. She is such a sweet heart, and has been telling everyone that she "faded" 

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