Sunday, June 12, 2011

Road Trip

Two Sundays ago, we left our little town of Twin Falls, Idaho and set out on a 14 hour road trip to California. I drove all night south through Nevada. We got to Las Vegas at 3:30 am and I couldn't drive any further. Tyson took over at 4:00 and at 5:00 I woke up to him slapping himself because he couldn't stay awake. Well I couldn't sleep anymore with him doing that, so I drove again. We watched the sun come up in California and pulled into Russ and Debbie's driveway around 6:30 in the morning. That day we went to the beach with Tyson's cousins. The girls were so excited to see the ocean! It was a beautiful day and we had so much fun! The next 4 days were spent in Disneyland and California Adventure. We were able to see so many fun characters and the kids were all so good! Saturday we drove home through Utah and spent the next two days with Tyson's parents. It was so nice to eat home-cooked, delicious, food that we didn't have to pay for! So nice. =-) We pulled in our driveway at 11:30 pm Wednesday night, had driven through 5 states and over 2,000 miles, exhausted, and so happy to be home. The next morning when we woke up to clouds, we were wishing we were somehow there again.

Finally in California!

The Beach!!

This is an awesome fun picture, and has also motivated me to starve and run on the treadmill. Good times!!!

We're good parents...


Look! It's Peter Pan!

Proof that Tyson can muli-task.

Isabelle tried out the carrier. Turns out she's not as light as she looks. :-)

All worn out. The Happiest Place on Earth will do that to ya...

Wow- now that is a cute boy!

Not paying 25 bucks for those hats...although they sure do look cute!! Love this picture.

Did I mention we have cute kids?!

Happy 31st Birthday Tyson!!

Posing for a picture at the Rain Forest Cafe

World of Color light show by Ariel's Grotto in California Adventure. Very cool.

Rabbit was Isabelle's favorite.

Brooklyn spent her hard earned Disney spending money on a baby Dumbo. Kennedy chose a baby Minnie and Isabelle got a baby tigger. We got Spencer a baby Mickey.

The end to our last day in Disneyland. We were pooped!

Leaving California...

Just crossed the border into Nevada and it's 95 degrees outside.

Our van SHREK

On our way home. Las Vegas, NV

We went bowling with Tyson's family...check out his socks.


We're home!

1 comment:

  1. I showed all your disney pics to hazel and she loved them! thanks for posting these; looks like you had a blast.
