Saturday, June 25, 2011


This little lady will be 3 in 10 days.....where does time go? Isabelle found my mom's curlers....

We found the walker at Grandma Terri's house and brought it home- he loves it! Yea!

For Father's Day Kennedy sewed on a piece of cloth that said "I love you Dad" and Brooklyn came up with the idea to buy a T-shirt and draw a picture on it for Tyson. She was nice enough to let her sisters and Spencer draw on it and they all traced their hands and feet and wrote their ages on his shirt. I bought him a carrier to tote Spencer around since he had so much fun carrying him in Disneyland.

I took this when we stopped for a potty break on our way home from Idaho Falls. What a cute boy!!!!

We thought it was a great idea to try to get a family picture by the Idaho Falls Temple. Isabelle and Spencer had other ideas.

The girls were waiting to go to church and Isabelle snuck out to sit by them before I could do her hair. Still a cute shot.

My friend turned 30 so we bought her black cupcakes...yes she's in a white dress...and yes it came clean.

Spencer has more than one "Mother"

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