Friday, May 20, 2011

~Potty Training~

Today I decided I'm done buying diapers. Well in Isabelle's size anyway. Enough is enough. I put panties on Isabelle this morning and set our timer on the stove to go off every 30 minutes. At which I would hold her up to turn off the timer and we would trot off to the bathroom together. I'm happy to report in the last 10 hours she has only had 3 minor accidents. Minor meaning #1. That only happened because I let her play outside with her sisters and I think she was just too busy playing to come inside to tinkle. The best thing is when she's done going, she stands up and bends completely over like she's doing the yoga pose downward facing dog and yells "wipe my bum!"
Tomorrow is a new day~ Wish us luck!

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