Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mama said there would be days like this...

So it could have been worse. But today was so frustrating! I have grown to love Twin Falls. We love the climate, have made some great friends, and have settled into a comfortable routine. But today I missed Idaho Falls. To be more specific, I missed Idaho Falls Pediatrics. That's where the kids went to the doctor before we moved.
Three days ago Isabelle woke up at 1:00 am with a fever. We took her temp and it was 103.7. I sent Tyson to WalMart to buy Ibuprofen because we only have Tylenol and it wasn't touching it. She was hallucinating. It was a little scary...we've never had a child see things that weren't there and it was freaking us out a little. She thought ladybugs where crawling on her. At one point I leaned down to touch her and she jumped and started screaming telling me that there was a ladybug in my hair. I even got up to check. haha We just kept gently reminding her that there were no ladybugs in our house, ladybugs live outside, etc. etc. Finally the medicine kicked in and her fever broke.
The next day she cried and complained about her ears hurting. I was sure she had an ear infection. I called the doctors office. They couldn't fit her in. They scheduled her an appointment for the next day (today) at 3:30 pm. I was so frustrated! My baby girl is sad and hurting and the dumb doctors office has something like 6 doctors and a bunch of PA's, I couldn't understand why they couldn't fit her in. Anyway, we finally take her in and she has double ear infections. The doctor said she would call in a perscription. We go to WalMart. They don't have anything from the doctors office. So we wander around for 20 minutes and check back. Still nothing. We go home. I called the doctor, they call it in again. I wait two hours and call the pharmacy. They haven't received anything. I wait another hour. I call the pharmacy again. No luck. I call the doctor's office again. The lady puts me on hold forever, comes back and says that she just called it in again. I wait 4o minutes, load up 4 kids, and drive to WalMart. They finally have it, but they are still filling it when I get there! Really!?
And that is my story.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I am so sorry Amber! That is so annoying and frustrating! Poor Izzy :( I sure hope she gets feeling better. If I lived closer, I would drive over and help you out. IF misses you guys too! Love ya lots
