Sunday, January 2, 2011


I absolutely do not like my picture taken, BUT this one made me laugh. I was so tired of being pregnant, and look at that mess! Haha. Tyson's mom and dad gave us a "church bag" filled with very fun stuff for the girls to do during sacrament meeting. Brooklyn was so excited and was my only child to get up early and go to church with Tyson and I. My mom stayed home with my other sleepy children.
Isabelle dancing with her Dora doll. So cute!

My handsome husband in his new suit.

Brooklyn asked Tyson to feed her baby doll.

Isabelle's favorite toy is her Dancing Dora doll

Play dough!!

Isabelle didn't get up till almost 11.

Grandma Terri got them guns! Now they can pretend to be Sarah Palin. lol

These pictures are a little out of order...but this is the girls in their new jammies on Christmas Eve.

First off let me just say that our home computer is on the fritz and for some reason the Internet will not connect so I am stuck trying to blog on Tyson's laptop, which is anything but easy. It's older and has a lot of issues, so hopefully I'll be able to get a few words in before it gives me too many problems.

Usually we go to Idaho Falls for Christmas Eve. It's been tradition since before I was born for all the family to gather at Grandma Mallards on Christmas Eve and play games, open presents, eat all sorts of delicious food and visit. Well the last two years we've had to stay home. Last year Tyson didn't get any time off from work during the holidays. He had to work Christmas Eve and be back to work early the day after Christmas, and this year we were waiting for our sweet baby boy to be born and were not taking any chances. So Christmas Eve day we made Gingerbread houses and listened to Christmas music....the girls opened pretty red night gowns and we watched cheesy hallmark movies on TV.

Kennedy woke me up at 7:30 Christmas morning and I told her to wait till 8! haha This is the same little girl we usually have to drag by her toes to get up early even on all Christmas mornings past, but I guess she's getting older and the excitement was just too much. She woke up Brooklyn and we had a fun time watching them open their presents. Tyson got me an awesome Nikon SLR camera that I've been wanting forever among some other fun stuff. He loves to shop~ He got a new suit and jacket that he's been drooling over for months and other manly stuff like dress socks and jerky. haha Kennedy's favorite gifts were remote control cars, toy rifles that shoot darts, and movies, any thing electronic makes her happy, just like her daddy. Brooklyn and Isabelle were obsessed with the baby dolls that Santa brought. They suck bottles, binkis, cry, laugh and their faces move with emotion. I wish they had fun dolls like that when I was a kid. The only thing that would have made Christmas more fun is snow.... the weather here mixed up the holidays. Thanksgiving we were blasted with a huge snowstorm that closed businesses and schools and Christmas morning was clear and beautiful with not a hint of rain or snow in sight.

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