Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween was definitely one we'll remember. It felt like it lasted three days. By Sunday I felt like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Friday morning Brooklyn had the chance to dress up for school and Kennedy was told to bring her outfit with her to school to wear at her party later in the day. So the night before we put curlers in Brooklyn's hair and set out their outfits. After picking Brooklyn up from Kindergarten I had fun taking pictures of her, then we met Tyson for lunch at Sizzler. That night we went to the ward Trunk or Treat. Tyson was really excited about the costume he bought and made me promise I wouldn't peek at what it was till we were ready to go. We were running late (of course) and I'm trying to shoo us all out the door when Tyson walks into the hallway wearing a giant marijuana leaf and holding a sign that said "legalize". I was shocked that he wanted to wear that to church! But what could I do, we were already late and I didn't really want to hurt his feelings by making a big stink, so we left. I trailed behind not sure if I wanted to follow him and the girls into the gym. You should have seen the looks! For the most part, it was a big hit! People we taking his picture and generally thought he was hilarious. Even the bishop! That made me feel better and we enjoyed the rest of the evening. The next day, Saturday, Brooklyn woke us up like it was Christmas morning with her hair in the air and wanted to open her birthday presents. Because Tyson had to work early, we all got up and watched her excitement. She had a great birthday! The girls were in their costumes and ready to Trick or Treat at 10a.m. I went back to bed.
That night we went door to door and then came home exhausted and went to bed. Unfortunately church starts at 9a.m. I felt hungover. We made it to church in time to hear a bishopric member speaking about being on time for church meetings and how parents should be the example to their children. Great timing. Sunday evening the girls were very excited to hand out candy to the kids who decided to Trick or Treat that night. Sadly only 3 people knocked on our door. Kennedy was especially disappointed. But on the bright side, we have a stash of candy to last us till next year. I had all our decorations taken down and put away by noon....Time for the next holiday!

Ward Trunk or Treat!

Isabelle not sure what's going on...

Loved the jokes about the candy being "laced" or the ones about "special brownies"

Pretty soon I wont be able to drive our car..

"Arr! Drink up yer Mateys yo ho!!"

"Isabelle, can I take your picture?"

The cutest little Witch in the West!

A Cowgirl, Weed, and a Pirate!

Headed to the mall...

She's on her Daddy's side ;)

Mall Cops! Love it!

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